Out in Front – High Impact High Prevalence Risks in Aged Care

High Impact High Prevalence Risks in Aged Care
We have just released our latest Out in Front report – ‘High Impact High Prevalence Risks in Aged Care’.
Aged care is an exciting industry, but care needs are becoming more complex which requires better risk management.
The management of clinical issues forms the bedrock of supporting aged care consumers to live their chosen lifestyle and enjoy things of meaning to them.
However, the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission data shows this is the key area that providers are struggling to meet. Standard 3 (Personal and Clinical Care) of the Aged Care Quality Standards (“Quality Standards”) is the most frequent “not met” standard, with high impact/prevalence risk management being the most commonly cited cause for failure to meet this standard.
You can read more in our report – Out in Front – High Impact High Prevalence Risks in Aged Care